What Can I Do to Make Him Want Me Again

All over the world women want to know one thing.

How the heck can they get a guy to chase them? Today I'k going to teach you lot six of my all-time tips on how to attain that goal.

Mayhap the all-time part is that you won't have to manipulate your man at all to go him to chase you.

I'm just going to teach yous the methods that I've been instruction to my clients for 7 years that have been getting them results.

Are you prepare?

The half dozen Fastest Ways To Become A Man To Chase You

I want you to think of me as a spy who can tell you what'south going on in the listen of the guy you are falling for.

Mostly speaking, what would work on me would work on any guy you are going later on. So, earlier I start blowing your heed with concepts yous've probably never heard before, I'd similar to make a pact with you lot.

I promise to tell yous everything that is going on in your man's head. In other words, even if the "truth" is something that no ane else will tell you, I clinch yous, I will.


Okay, before nosotros go started, here is a list of the strategies you should employ to go your guy chasing y'all.

one. Accept That The Daydream Effect Is Everything
two.. Adopt The Mindset: "You Have To Exist Willing To Lose The Guy To Get The Guy"
three. Empathise The Scientific discipline Of Playing Hard To Get
four. Exist 70% Transparent With Him
5. Find A Way To Make Him Scared He'll Lose You Forever
6. Create A Sense Of Urgency Through Scarcity

I know information technology tin can seem like a lot but don't be overwhelmed I'm going to take you through this list step by step.

Allow's brainstorm!

Tip #1: The Fantasize Consequence Is Everything

Making a guy chase you is not equally like shooting fish in a barrel as you think. When I think dorsum on my life in that location are literally only a handful of women that I have actively chased.

Usually, I'd neglect in my chase… but that is a story for another fourth dimension.

Overall, when I think back on the girls I've chased, there is one consistency that comes to heed, The Daydream Effect.

So, what is this?

The Daydream Outcome: The feeling you get when y'all notice yourself constantly heedless nearly the potential of a relationship with the target of your affections and what a future with them might look like.

I'll point out, I married the final person that I daydreamed about.

I call up the experience very clearly.

I would think most what she would wait like walking.

I'd picture what information technology would be like to wake upward side by side to her.

I'd spend hours heedless almost what information technology would exist similar to get on adventures together.

I'd even discover myself just thinking almost the mode she smells.

It seemed similar for a while my unabridged existence was consumed by thinking about her!

That's the power of The Daydream Effect.

The feeling tin can be so strong that it can make most men take drastic activity. Such as:

  • Request you out on a appointment
  • Kissing you
  • Request you to be their girlfriends
  • Sometimes even asking you marry them
  • And then, how practice you lot create the "daydream event?"

It'southward actually actually easy.

You have to cultivate a desirable prototype that your guy feels similar he can't e'er achieve.

A Existent Life Example Of The Daydream Effect

Similar I said before, my married woman was the last person that had this impact on me.

I want to become really candid and tell yous exactly how she did it.

And so, to give you some quick background on our relationship we actually met through friends on Facebook.

I lived in Texas and she lived in Pennsylvania.Already, you tin can see the altitude divide that bled into me non having her.

The commencement time I noticed her was on Christmas Twenty-four hours. Someone had posted a video of her every bit she was giving her niece a gift.

Weirdly plenty, I nevertheless call up how dandy her posture was and how she about seemed more excited to give the gift than to receive any gifts herself.

Which, if I'k being totally honest, is nothing like me.

I remember thinking,

"Now that is the type of girl you marry."

She was obviously very attractive and had all these incredible pictures up on Facebook.

I would wait at those pictures and just daydream well-nigh what it would be like to accept her on my arm.

She was always really easy to talk to, but I ever got the sense that she was out of my league. Sometimes, I would fifty-fifty get jealous of the pictures that she had taken with other attractive men in the past.

Everything about her just fabricated her seem more like an Alpha.

Next to her, I felt like a Beta.

She was sweet too! She had an incredible personality, too! And nonetheless, somehow, I always felt that she was better than me.

Information technology'southward been said,

"Men don't daydream about finding coal. They daydream about finding gilded."

Well, I felt similar I had plant gold.

I daydreamed every single 24-hour interval that I would go a chance to talk to her.

I got collywobbles in my stomach all of the time. Information technology didn't aid that I was constantly checking out her Facebook contour.

She had cultivated the platonic image of what I wanted in a woman.

Make of that what you volition.

Tip #2: You Take To Exist Willing To Lose The Guy To Get The Guy

If y'all really think about it, business concern and relationships have a lot in mutual.

They are both about leverage,

Mostly speaking, whoever has the leverage ends up with the better outcome.

For relationships, that leverage would exist not caring enough to stay or being willing to walk away.

In my existent life example to a higher place with The Daydream Effect I mentioned that I daydreamed near my wife. The primary motivation behind all of that daydreaming was the fact that I felt like she was fashion out of my league.

Why did I feel that mode?

Well, I felt like she would have more options, if we both tried to become someone else. And I felt like she was more than willing to lose me at the beginning.

That'south the footing of what it took to make me experience like she was out of my league.

Almost of the women I work with (coaching) are besides agape to lose the guys they want to chase them.

They put and then much of their emotions into the handbasket with this one guy that it actually gives him power over them.

If you want a guy to chase you, you take to be willing to lose that guy.

You lot tin't put him on a pedestal like he is some god.

He's a man and replaceable.

Beyoncé was on to something with her song "Irreplaceable"

Yous have to realize, it'due south not him that is irreplaceable.

It's yous!

Most women are likewise afraid to take that risk, but it's a take a chance that you always accept to have to go the result you want.

Here'southward the craziest office, when you lot do finally take the plunge and adopt this mindset it allows you to look at things in a new way.

But, only pretending won't be enough.

You actually have to exist willing to lose your guy forever.

Tip #3: Understand The Science Of Playing Hard To Get

Thus far, I've but been talking most "feelings" and "emotions."

At present, I'd like to switch gears and talk a little bit most science.

Specifically, I want to talk about the science of playing difficult to become.

There'south a per centum of women that believe you shouldn't play games with someone you care about to go them to chase you or to brand them fall in love with yous.

I understand that. But, from my point of view, it isn't my job to fence the morality of these tactics with yous.

It'due south my job to nowadays the facts about what works and allow you lot to decide to whether to employ what I give y'all or not.

And so, what I'm about to cover here might rub people the wrong style only I don't want you to let that ruin it for you.

Playing hard to become works and it works extremely well.

That is a pretty bold statement, I know. But, I really accept the science to back it upwards.

There are two principles that volition show my point.

1. The Theory of Reactance
two. The Dubiety Principle

Both of these psychological principles can be used to testify that playing difficult to get actually works.

Let's tackle the Theory of Reactance first.

Playing Hard To Get And The Theory Of Reactance

If you didn't already know reactance is something I talk a lot about with regards to the No Contact Rule.

Here'due south the gist.

Theory of Reactance: Human being beings have certain behavioral freedoms and when they feel one of those behavioral freedoms come under attack they react in a way to get that freedom back.

How does information technology help united states for our purposes?

If a guy feels like you will ever be in that location then that behavioral liberty will go set in his mind. He will expect you to be there no affair what he does.

Withal, when yous "play hard to become" that behavioral freedom gets interrupted and it makes him more likely to attempt to get that liberty dorsum.

In a perfect world yous tin can create a reactance pattern which looks something like this,

Essentially you switch from making your guy experience like he has you and and so doing something to make him feel similar he doesn't have you.

The Uncertainty Principle And Playing Hard To Get

If you feel like the Theory of Reactance wasn't enough to "sell" you on playing difficult to get peradventure this next concept volition.

The Doubt Principle: A psychological theory that proves human being beings tend to obsess near "uncertain variables" as opposed to "certain variables."

The Uncertainty Principle was made famous for it'south rat experiment which I talk about in this video,

Substantially two rats were made to become through two mazes.

One was very unproblematic,

You can't get any simpler than that.

And the other maze was very complex,

If the rats completed the maze they got cheese.

Scientists wanted to determine if certain variables had more than impact than uncertain principles. Interestingly enough, they constitute that the rat with the like shooting fish in a barrel maze didn't initially consume the cheese it establish at the terminate of its maze.

This contrasted with the rat in the other more than complicated maze as it devoured the cheese upon finding information technology.

Scientists believe that the rat with the certainty of cheese plant the cheese less attractive than the one who had to work to go the cheese.

Men are kind of similar that.

They tend to value that which they don't take or what they have to piece of work for.

Tip #4: Exist seventy% Transparent With Him

Now, y'all may exist sitting at that place and wondering how you can go well-nigh "playing difficult to become" or creating enough mystery to brand him intrigued.

I'd like to introduce you to my seventy/30 rule.

Have you ever seen the movie, "Hitch?"

At that place's this scene in there where Volition Smith'south character talks nigh the 90/x rule when he is trying to teach a guy how to kiss a daughter.

The 70/xxx rule is a little like that, except information technology's all about transparency.

With tip #iii I discussed the importance of "playing difficult to go" but I really didn't cover how you should go about doing that.

The best thing you tin do is create a little mystery by holding a petty bit of yourself back.

Dating is like playing emotional chess.

The biggest fault that most women make is that they throw themselves into relationships full force and don't hold annihilation back.

Normally, this wouldn't be that big of an issue, except that when the feelings aren't reciprocated the hurt is amplified 10 times over.

Not to mention, no guy is going to be attracted to a woman that he feels like he knows everything virtually.

Consider the difference betwixt being in the friend zone and being a girlfriend.

Often if you are in the friend zone your guy knows everything nearly you already.

Girlfriends can be the same style however they don't give everything up correct away.

Look at it like this.

If you let the object of your affection see lxx% of yourself right off the bat but then y'all progressively permit him to pare dorsum the layers on the extra thirty% it's then much more intriguing.

Why do we become wrapped upward in mystery stories?

Often, it is for this very reason.

We want to find out what happens next.

You lot need to create this phenomenon with a guy if you desire him to chase you.

Tip #5: Notice A Way To Make Him Feel He Will Lose You Forever

A few tips ago I talked about the importance of adopting the mindset that you have to exist willing to lose the guy to get the guy.

This is the other side of the coin.

In my research I've found that there are half-dozen factors that mostly make men commit.

  1. Satisfaction
  2. Alternatives
  3. Investment
  4. Scarcity
  5. Urgency
  6. Fearfulness of Loss

Now, I don't have time to talk about every single i of these factors, but I would like to focus on one of them today, Fright of Loss

Fearfulness of Loss: A sense of loss within a homo that makes him realize your value.

As human beings we accept this pesky quality of taking things for granted.

Often, information technology's merely when we think that nosotros are about to lose something forever that nosotros have brainstorm to realize its true value.

Now, I'thou going to end this tip a bit prematurely because really tip #5 and tip #vi blend together.

Tip #6: Create A Sense of Urgency Through Scarcity

Scarcity is really just another style of showing the man that y'all want to chase you that you lot are a hot commodity.

Having other men enter the competition for your heart is essential if yous want a guy to chase yous.


With tip #5 I talked about the importance of instituting a Fear of Loss.

Merely how?

Well, often that's by convincing the homo you want to chase you that another man can swoop you off your feet.

This creates an urgent reason for commitment.

At present, I've seen women completely mess this advice up by making out with some other guy in front of the guy they actually want.

Less is more than hither.

It doesn't take a lot of jealousy to go stirred so don't play with burn just yet. If he but thinks that there might be a possibility that you lot'll be off the market soon, your value will go up in his eyes. He'll have to get to you commencement.

What Take We Learned?

Then, lets have a look at what nosotros've learned so far.

We used some words that are staples in ExBoyfrend Recovery. Let's talk nearly what those mean.

The Daydream Effect: Making the guy y'all're after daydreaming well-nigh the potential of a relationship with y'all and what a future with you lot might wait similar by being Ungettable. (see Articles about being Ungettable, we take hundreds of them)

Lose The Guy To Get The Guy: Being willing to lose the guy yous're subsequently. The feeling that yous might actually be over him creates a vacuum betwixt you that will make him chase afterwards you. You know what they say, "Nature abhors a vacuum." Well, men don't like feeling like they lose.

The Science Of Playing Hard To Get: The thought of Playing Hard to Get isn't new to you, I'm sure. but, most people don't do it correctly. (If you lot haven't watched the video on the Push/Pull Method, you should. It shows the right way to play hard to go.)

The Theory of Reactance: Human beings have certain behavioral freedoms and when they feel one of those behavioral freedoms come under attack they react in a fashion to get that freedom back. In easier terms, our brains expect people to exist consequent. When they don't, we are driven to human action. Thus, a reaction.

The Uncertainty Principle: A psychological theory that proves human being beings tend to obsess about "uncertain variables" as opposed to "certain variables."

The lxx/30 Rule: The fine art of property back. Like with Hitch, you only want to do some of the piece of work and y'all simply want to make a portion of who you are available to him. Develop some mystery and brand him work for the rest. Never let him have everything… even after you've caught him.

Fear of Loss: A sense of loss within a man that makes him realize your value. You can do this by using the Push button/Pull Method and Scarcity

Scarcity: Remind the guy you're afterward that there is only one of you lot by letting him see that there are other options out there for y'all. REMINDER: do this gently. You don't want to moving ridge this in his face or he volition lose his sense of trust in you. Later on you go him, he'll retrieve you're always looking elsewhere. So, gently.

Armed with these key terms and the tips laid out in this article, you should be able to get him chasing after you in no time.


Source: https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/fastest-tips-to-get-a-guy-to-chase-you/

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