By Law of Nature Thou Art Bound to Breed

Macbeth: Deed iii, Scene 4

Banquet prepar'd. Enter MACBETH,


1.degrees: ranks. Since they know their ranks, they know where to sit, with the highest ranking person sitting closest to the caput table, etc. 1-ii.At first / And last the hearty welcome: in one case for all, a hearty welcome [to everyone].

  iYou lot know your own degrees; sit downwards. At offset
  2And last the hearty welcome.

                                         Thanks to your majesty.

  3Ourself volition mingle with guild,
  4And play the humble host.

v.keeps her land: remains in her chair of country.

  5Our hostess keeps her state, simply in best time

half dozen.require her welcome: request her to bid welcome [to the guests].

  6We will require her welcome.


seven.Pronounce it: evangelize information technology [my welcome].

  7Pronounce it for me, sir, to all our friends;
  eightFor my heart speaks they are welcome.

Enter Showtime MURDERER [at the door].


9.encounter thee: answer to yous. Perhaps the guests are clapping or cheering, during which time Kickoff Murderer is able to make his presence known to Macbeth. x.Both sides are even: both sides [of the table] accept an equal number of people. xi.big: unrestrained. 11-12.anon we'll drink a measure / The table circular i.e., in a moment we'll all drink a bumper.

  9See, they come across thee with their hearts' thanks.
 xBoth sides are even: here I'll sit i' the midst:
 xiBe large in mirth; betimes we'll drink a mensurate
 12The table round—

     [Goes to the door.]

 13There's blood on thy face.

First Murderer
                                         'Tis Banquo's so.


14.'Tis amend thee without than he within: information technology's better that [Banquo'south claret is] on your exterior than on his inside. xv.dispatch'd: killed.

 xiv'Tis meliorate thee without than he within.
 15Is he dispatch'd?

Starting time Murderer
                           My lord, his throat is cutting;
 xviThat I did for him.

                              Yard art the best o' the cut-throats,
 17However he'due south good that did the like for Fleance.

18.the nonpareil: the [cut-throat] without equal.

 18If yard didst it, chiliad art the nonpareil.

Starting time Murderer 'scaped: has escaped.

 19Most purple sir, Fleance is 'scaped.

 20Then comes my fit again: I had else been perfect,

21.founded: steady, secure.

 21Whole equally the marble, founded as the stone,

22.Every bit broad and general as the casing air: equally free and unconfined as the air which envelopes [everything]. 23.cribb'd: shut in. 24.saucy: mocking, uncontrollable. rubber: i.e., safely out of the manner; expressionless.

 22As broad and full general every bit the casing air:
 23But now I am cabin'd, cribb'd, confined, bound in
 24To saucy doubts and fears. But Banquo's safe?

First Murderer
 25Ay, my adept lord: safe in a ditch he bides,

26.trenched: securely cut.

 26With twenty trenched gashes on his head;

27.The to the lowest degree a decease to nature: i.e., the smallest of those gashes would naturally kill anyone.

 27The least a expiry to nature.

                                             Thanks for that:

28.worm: young serpent [i.e., Fleance].

 28There the grown ophidian lies; the worm that'south fled
 29Hath nature that in time will venom breed,
 thirtyNo teeth for the present. Get thee gone; tomorrow

31.Nosotros'll hear, ourselves: I'll personally confer [with you].

 31We'll hear, ourselves, once more.

Go out Murderer.

                                                   My regal lord,

32-34.give the cheer: lead the festivities. The feast is sold ... welcome: a feast is only a repast that is sold, unless the host often avouches, during the feast, that all the guests are welcome. 34.To feed were best at habitation: i.e., if all a person wants is just to eat, it would be better to stay home. 35.From thence the sauce to meat is ceremony: away from dwelling house the sauce to food is ceremonies [such as welcoming guests, giving toasts, etc.].

 32You practice non give the cheer. The feast is sold
 33That is non oft vouch'd, while 'tis a-making,
 34'Tis given with welcome. To feed were best at habitation;
 35From thence the sauce to meat is anniversary;
 36Meeting were blank without it.

Enter the GHOST OF BANQUO and sits
     in Macbeth'south place.


36.remembrancer: timely reminder, person who gives a reminder.

                                                 Sweet remembrancer!

     [To the guests.]

37.wait on: attend, accompany.

 37Now, adept digestion wait on appetite,
 38And health on both!

                             May't please your highness sit down.


39-42.Here ...mischance!: i.due east., Here we would accept all honorable nobles of our country nether i roof, were it not for the absence of Banquo, who I promise I may chide for neglect, rather than pity him for some mischance that has happened to him.

 39Hither had we now our country's honour roof'd,
 40Were the graced person of our Banquo present,
 41Who may I rather challenge for unkindness
 42Than compassion for mischance!

                                         His absenteeism, sir,

43.Lays arraign upon his hope: i.e., calls into question how well he keeps his promises. Ross is reassuring Macbeth that Banquo has only been careless with his time, and then his absence shouldn't be a cause of worry.

 43Lays blame upon his promise. Please't your highness
 44To grace the states with your royal company?

 45The table's full.

                             Here is a place reserved, sir.



47.moves: agitates, disturbs.

 47Here, my expert lord. What is't that moves your Highness?


48.Which of you have done this?: It appears that at first Macbeth thinks that someone is playing a ghastly practical joke.

 48Which of yous accept washed this?

                                           What, my adept lord?

Banquo with a bloody face and a cut throat
Martin Shaw as Banquo
1971 film

 49One thousand canst non say I did it: never milkshake
 fiftyThy gory locks at me.

 51Gentlemen, ascension; his highness is not well.

 52Sit down, worthy friends; my lord is ofttimes thus,
 53And hath been from his youth. Pray you, continue seat.

54.upon a idea: i.e., in a moment.

 54The fit is momentary; upon a thought

55.If much you note him: i.eastward., if you stare at him.

 55He will once more be well. If much you lot note him,

56.offend him and extend his passion: brand him worse and brand his fit terminal longer.

 56Y'all shall offend him and extend his passion.
 57Feed, and regard him not. — Are you a man?

 58Ay, and a bold 1, that dare look on that
 59Which might appall the devil.


59.proper stuff: perfect nonsense.

                                               O proper stuff!
 60This is the very painting of your fear:
 61This is the air-drawn dagger which, you lot said,

62.flaws and starts: i.e., a panic attack. A "flaw" is a sudden gust of wind; a "start" is the kind of movement a person makes when startled. 63.Impostors to true fear: mere impostors when compared to justified fear. 65.Authorized past: on the authorisation of. Such a story might begin, "This a story my grandma told me, and she swore it was true . . . ."

 62Led yous to Duncan. O, these flaws and starts,
 63(Impostors to truthful fear) would well become
 64A adult female's story at a winter'due south fire,
 65Authorized by her grandam. Shame itself!
 66Why do you make such faces? When all's done,
 67Y'all look merely on a stool.

                                   Prithee, see there!
 68Behold! await! lo! how say yous?
 69Why, what care I? If thou canst nod, speak too.
 seventyIf charnel-houses and our graves must send

71-72.our monuments ... kites: our tombs will be only the guts of kites. A kite is a swallow-tailed hawk, notorious for feeding on feces. Macbeth's signal is that if the dead won't stay buried, we might as well permit the kites have them.

 71Those that we coffin back, our monuments
 72Shall be the maws of kites.

     [Go out GHOST.]

                                         What, quite unmann'd in folly?

 73If I stand up here, I saw him.

                                       Fie, for shame!

 74Blood hath been shed ere now, i' th' olden time,

75.Ere humane statute purged the gentle weal: i.e., before humane law cleansed the democracy and made it civilized.

 75Ere humane statute purged the gentle weal;
 76Ay, and since too, murders have been perform'd
 77Too terrible for the ear: the times have been,
 78That, when the brains were out, the man would die,
 79And at that place an cease, but at present they rise again,
 lxxxWith 20 mortal murders on their crowns,
 81And push us from our stools: this is more strange
 82Than such a murder is.

                                   My worthy lord,
 83Your noble friends do lack you.

                                   I practice forget.

84.muse: wonder.

 84Do not muse at me, my about worthy friends,
 85I accept a strange infirmity, which is nothing
 86To those that know me. Come up, love and wellness to all;
 87Then I'll sit down. Give me some wine; fill full.
 88I drinkable to the general joy o' the whole table,
 89And to our dear friend Banquo, whom we miss;

90.thirst: drinkable eagerly.

 xcWould he were hither! to all, and him, we thirst,

91.all to all: anybody [drink to] the whole company here.

 91And all to all.


91.Our duties, and the pledge: i.e., nosotros beverage as a pledge of our duties to you.

                       Our duties, and the pledge.

Enter GHOST.

 92Avaunt! and quit my sight! let the earth hide thee!
 93Thy basic are marrowless, thy blood is cold;

94.speculation: sight.

 94Thou hast no speculation in those eyes
 95Which thou dost glare with!

                                           Think of this, good peers,
 96But as a thing of custom: 'tis no other;
 97Only it spoils the pleasure of the time.

 98What homo dare, I cartel. in the likeness of.

 99Arroyo thou like the rugged Russian deport,

100.Hyrcan: Hyrcanian. Hyrcania was region near the Caspian sea. Like the "Russian conduct," the "Hyrcan tiger" is the almost fearsome of its kind. 101.fretfulness: sinews.

100The arm'd rhinoceros, or th' Hyrcan tiger;
101Take whatever shape but that, and my house nerves
102Shall never tremble. Or be live once more,
103And cartel me to the desert with thy sword;

104-105.If ... girl: if I dwell in [a] trembling [body] and so proclaim me the baby-doll of a girl.

104If trembling I inhabit then, protest me
105The baby of a girl. Hence, horrible shadow!
106Unreal mockery, hence!

     [Exit Ghost.]

                                       Why, so: being gone,
107I am a human being again. Pray you, sit even so.

108Yous have displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting,

109.admired: wondered at.

109With well-nigh admired disorder.

                                             Tin such things exist,
110And overcome us like a summer's deject,

111-112.You make me foreign / Fifty-fifty to the disposition that I owe: i.due east., you make me feel like a stranger to my own character. Macbeth, bold that his wife has seen what he has seen, feels that if she is not shaken, and he is, he is not the courageous human being he ever thought he was.

111Without our special wonder? You brand me strange
112Even to the disposition that I owe,
113When now I think you tin can behold such sights,
114And go on the natural ruby-red of your cheeks,
115When mine is blanched with fearfulness.

                                                     What sights, my lord?

116I pray yous, speak not; he grows worse and worse;

117.Question enrages him: asking him questions, trying to appoint him in a conversation, drives him wild. 118-119.Stand not upon the order of your going, / But go at once: i.e., don't worry virtually who is supposed to leave get-go; everyone should leave right now.

117Question enrages him. At once, good night:
118Stand up not upon the society of your going,
119But become at once.

                     Good nighttime; and amend wellness
130Attend his majesty!

                               A kind skillful dark to all!

Exeunt Lords [and all but Macbeth and Lady Macbeth].

121It volition have blood; they say, blood volition have blood.
122Stones have been known to motility and trees to speak;

123.Augurs: auguries. understood relations: [reports or stories with] clear implications, or intuitively perceived relationships [equally between Duncan's murder in Macbeth's castle and Macbeth becoming rex]. 124.By maggot-pies and choughs and rooks brought forth: revealed past magpies and jackdaws and rooks. All 3 birds tin can be taught to parrot a word or two. of claret: i.east., murderer. What is the dark? i.eastward., how late is it?

123Augurs and understood relations take
124Past maggot-pies and choughs and rooks brought forth
125The clandestine'st man of blood. What is the night?

126Almost at odds with morning, which is which.


127-128.How say'st g, that Macduff denies his person / At our great behest?: what practice y'all think of the fact that Macduff refuses to come personally in response to my regal request?

127How say'st thou, that Macduff denies his person
128At our great bidding?


128.Did you send to him, sir?: i.east., did y'all make an actual official request?

                                 Did you send to him, sir?


129-131.I hear it ... fee'd: I hear it via the grapevine, but I will brand an official asking. There's non a one of them [the thanes of Scotland] in whose business firm I don't pay a servant [to spy for me]. 132.And betimes I volition: and early I will [get].

129I hear it by the style; just I will transport.
130At that place'southward not a i of them just in his house
131I keep a servant fee'd. I will tomorrow,
132And anon I will, to the weird sisters:

133.bent: adamant.

133More than shall they speak; for now I am aptitude to know,
134By the worst means, the worst. For mine own good,

135.all causes: every other consideration. There are plenty of "causes" why a person should


seek out witches; they can't be trusted, want to destroy your soul, are ugly, etc. 136.should I wade no more: fifty-fifty if I didn't wade whatever farther.

135All causes shall give way: I am in claret
136Stepp'd in and so far that, should I wade no more,
137Returning were equally tedious every bit get o'er.
138Strange things I have in head, that will to hand;

139.ere they may be scann'd: earlier they may be thought about carefully.

139Which must be acted ere they may be scann'd.


140.flavour: preservative.

140You lot lack the season of all natures, slumber.


141-143.My strange ...deed: i.eastward., My strange self-delusion is the result of a beginner's fear that needs rough experience to harden it; I am still a novice in criminal acts.

141Come up, we'll to sleep. My foreign and cocky-abuse
142Is the initiate fright that wants hard use:
143We are even so merely young in deed.



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